Transformational Coaching
mBIT and NLP Training
Live your life at the point of cause
I’m passionate about change, personal growth and living an authentic heart-centred life.
I love seeing the magic that my clients create in their lives. What sort of future are you dreaming about?
The world urgently needs more people who are thriving, leading positive change and facing the challenges of our age.
We’re living in a time that’s testing everyone to their limit. Events are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
It adds up. Strategies for success stop working. Old habits cease to serve us. Rapid changes shake beliefs and create new fears.
Sometimes we’re so busy getting through the day that we forget who we really are and what we want to do with our lives.
There’s an epidemic of stress, burnout and lost potential. Too many people feel short of power, energy, connection and purpose.
It doesn’t have to be this way! History isn’t destiny. You can learn how to lead a successful, embodied and fulfilling life.
Ask yourself what changes would allow YOU to play a full part in your own evolving life story?
If you’re tired of wasting your energy as a “human doing” then you can choose to make those changes and live life as a “human becoming”
My clients learn how to step fully into their personal power, connect with their true self and unleash their personal growth.
They discover how to achieve the freedom, happiness and fulfilling life that they’ve been looking for.
Are you feeling blocked and frustrated? You can be resilient, resourceful and able to grasp the opportunities life offers.
Are you living life on the outside of the action? You can learn how to step up with confidence and claim your place in the world.
Are you stuck at a standstill, not doing the things that you want to get done? You can energise yourself, move forward and achieve your life goals!
I work with conscious leaders, change agents, coaches and avid self-developers
People who value movement and growth, even if they’re not yet sure how to achieve it.
I’ve worked internationally with clients in senior positions in Industry, Education, Coaching, the Civil Service and the Charity Sector.
“Chris is very approachable, non-judgemental, perceptive and fun to work with. You learn a lot along the way and arrive at places you may not have envisaged in your wildest dreams. He is brilliant at listening and tailoring the mode of transport from session to session to ensure greatest benefit for you.”
— Nutrition Business Founder
“Chris’ style is an incredible balance – he is gentle, humble, honest and affirming whilst being able to provide laser focus on the issues stopping process for the individual being coached. His insights driven, as opposed to goal driven, approach is extremely powerful as it creates deeper personal change as opposed to short term actions that fade away. He demonstrates an ability to read the individual being coached and understand when things are or are not working and react accordingly.”
— International Aerospace Executive
“Chris took me through an integration exercise when thinking about my future job opportunities, it really helped me consolidate two quite polar feelings. It was quite dramatic how much this shifted my thinking”.
— Professional Engineering Leader
“To enable me to get out of my head, and into my whole being, has been the biggest success of our sessions. I would highly recommend Chris to anyone who needs to be gently and safely guided through the process of reconnecting with themselves to enable them to make significant step changes to their lives with lasting results.”
— Non-Executive Director
I work on-line and in person
I provide 1:1, team and group coaching. I’m a professionally trained and accredited coach.
I deliver certification training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). I’m a certified trainer and master practitioner of NLP.
I offer mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques) coach certification training. I’m a certified mBIT master coach and coach trainer.
If you’re getting ready for change…
How fantastic will it feel to be free of those limiting beliefs and old patterns of life that had held you back?
How would you like to be able to tell an amazing new story? What would you like it to sound like?
Just imagine what it’s going to be like, as you see yourself free and achieving wonderful new things!
Now is always the right time to become a brilliant human being!
Book a free 30 minute discovery video call and find out more about coaching or training with me.
You can contact me by phone, email or using the contact form below.
Go for it, and start to make that change!
I hope that we can start working together soon.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”