mBIT Coach Training Dates!
Coming Soon! 2023 Dates
Provisional Date: July 2023
Location: Bristol
mBIT Coach Training
mBIT coaching is a new field that’s based on a combination of cutting edge neuroscience research and ancient wisdom.
mBIT stands for ‘multiple Brain Integration Techniques’.
This is a powerful way of working with the innate intelligences of your head, heart and gut.
You can learn how to connect with these intelligences and bring them into alignment.
You can free yourself from feeling stuck, blocked and conflicted.
You can create amazing changes for yourself and how you “do” life.
You can use mBIT coaching to help people create their own personal transformation and growth.
Imagine being able to:
Align the innate intelligence of your head, heart and gut
Increase the power and speed of your decision-making.
Develop your creativity, compassion and courageous action-taking.
Deepen your self-awareness, intuition and inner wisdom.
Be more effective, feel happier and make healthier choices.
Reduce internal stress and conflict, manage your state, and become more resilient.
Deepen your sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Now imagine having the toolkit and the skills to help other people to achieve the same results!
mBIT Coach training is for you if:
You’re already a coach and you want to move your skills up to the next level of transformational coaching
You lead, manage or develop people, and want to be even more effective in your role as a leader of change and a wise decision maker
You’re on your own journey of evolution, self-discovery and empowerment, and you want to achieve an even deeper level of personal integration
About mBIT
Science is just starting to catch up with what many wisdom traditions have known for thousands of years!
mBIT integrates ancient practices with modern insights from neuroscience, brain imaging and behavioural psychology to create an elegantly simple, powerful and transformative approach for coaching.
Contemporary neuroscience now recognises that human beings have three complex functional adaptive neural networks in their bodies - in other words, “brains”!
Whilst everyone is familiar with the head “brain”, fewer people are aware of the influence - or even the presence - of the other “brains” in their heart and gut.
mBIT Coaches work with these three “brains” and with the unique intelligence characteristics of each “brain”.
Have you ever noticed that your head tells you to do something, and that your heart just isn’t in it?
Have you ever had a feeling, deep within yourself, about what you really need to do?
These are examples of where your innate intelligences are making their presence felt!
Think how powerful it can be when you connect with them and find true communication and balance.
You can use this balance to resolve internal conflict, get unstuck and move forward with your life.
Imagine how it can be for the people you coach or work with, when you help them to make that connection and find that new balance!
Get in touch to book your place now!
Using mBIT Coaching
mBIT combines powerful transformational coaching techniques with simple and accessible breath work and other embodiment practices.
As a certified mBIT Coach you can integrate them into your current coaching approach to whatever extent you desire.
Offering mBIT coaching as a powerful transformational modality
Bringing elements of mBIT coaching into your standard coaching conversations
Within one-to-one sessions
For group coaching work
During conversations that are “coachable moments”
As part of your own ongoing self-development practice
Get in touch to book your place now!
Become a Certified mBIT Coach!
You’ll receive so much more than just four days of great live training!
At the end of your mBIT coach training, and subject to meeting the competency standards, you’ll be certified by mBIT International as an mBIT Coach.
You’ll have developed amazing new skills and knowledge for personal change work. You’ll be able to help people to update and upgrade their “way of being”.
You’ll be welcomed into an active and world-wide community of mBIT Coaches, Master Coaches and Trainers who also share these skills and continue to develop the field.
You’ll have access to practice groups, book groups, and other forms of ongoing development.
Get in touch to book your place now!
Training date, venue and cost
Next course provisional date: July 2023 (4 days)
9am-6pm daily.
This training will take place in Bristol.
mBIT Coach training cost:
£1350 - general admission
£1080 - "early bird”
Bursaries are available for participants with low incomes, who work for small charities or who work in community interest companies.
How do I sign up to become an mBIT Coach?
Contact Chris and reserve your place today!
Call Chris on 07752 677430
Email Chris at chris@chrisbell.coach.