Work with me
To create personal transformation, what matters most is your desire to move forward in your life
I’ve worked with people in CEO, Director and Executive roles. I’ve also worked with people in far more grounded and practically-orientated roles.
What my most successful clients all share in common is the wish to become the best human beings that they can be. To really make their time count - in a role, in a situation or even in their life.
I always help my clients to recognise and seek to maintain or improve their personal “ecology”. I uphold the ethical standards set by the EMCC, mBIT International and INLPTA.
I offer coaching by appointment. Please contact me so that we can see how and where we can work together.
I run live in-person mBIT Coach Training, NLP Diploma and Practitioner Training and NLP Masterclasses. You can see the dates for my upcoming NLP trainings here.
Book a free 20 minute discovery video call to find out more about coaching and training with me.
Client Testimonials
Nutritionist & Business Founder
Chris is very approachable, non-judgemental, perceptive and fun to work with. You learn a lot along the way and arrive at places you may not have envisaged in your wildest dreams. He is brilliant at listening and tailoring the mode of transport from session to session to ensure greatest benefit for you.
Chris through listening, enquiring, and reconfirming allowed me to crystallise my own thinking, elevate my plan to another level and focus my efforts on what is really important in my life to now enable a better future. Chris is fantastic at steering you through a jungle of thoughts, doubts, aspirations and hopes. He listens, applies techniques and replays conversations so that you can gain a new perspective on your life journey.
I learned about my drivers and what had stopped me in the past from making significant changes and taking the steps I am doing now. It helped me appreciate better what I am capable of and understand how to deal with my own doubts. It encouraged me to explore avenues I may not have realised existed. I grew in confidence about myself and my next venture.
I listen better to my instincts and positively question my plans and decisions. I trust in the future I am building. I am building a new business and exploring its potential. With assurance I take some risks to learn and grow. The biggest achievement for me was the reassurance of my capability, increased confidence, ability to let go of some things, increased trust in others and my own instincts.
Whether you want to get a promotion, change careers, start a new business or become a CEO, Chris can help you form a plan with clear steps to achieve your goal. He will help you make changes that you need to attain the success or simply realise and surface what is already in you. Through a series of enjoyable yet thought-provoking sessions, he will guide you to a better understanding of your objectives and alignment of these to your current situation.
International Aerospace Executive
Chris’ style is an incredible balance – he is gentle, humble, honest and affirming whilst being able to provide laser focus on the issues stopping process for the individual being coached. His insights driven, as opposed to goal driven, approach is extremely powerful as it creates deeper personal change as opposed to short term actions that fade away. He demonstrates an ability to read the individual being coached and understand when things are or are not working and react accordingly.
My main positive is on the immense value in stepping back from chasing the latest task or objective to focus on developing as an individual with the support of an experienced coach who you can really trust. The structure that Chris brings to the session to create the space for personal insights and then for regular follow up is highly valuable.
Coaching has helped me move out of a time of stagnation and recognise that there are opportunities to grow and develop both within and outside of a career. Increased confidence has reduced anxiety that “I’m not doing a good enough job” and with that has come an improved calmness about work. Particularly helpful learning through a period of transition to a new role where activities could be frustrating and highly political.
Through my coaching both myself and my wife have built a stronger sense of where we want to go in the future and overcome roadblocks in our thinking that would stop us moving forward. The exercises have really helped to notice where I’ve been an “observer” of really important events in my past and enabled me to be a participant in them now. Recognising that to live my best life means taking risk, I am much more enabled and equipped to do so.
Non-Executive Director
As a confident individual who still experiences ‘Imposter Syndrome’ I sometimes find it difficult to take step-changes before I am 100 % ready, stunting my professional growth. I will spend a lot of the time in my head over thinking activities, procrastinating rather than taking action. Chris has been able to get me to a deep internal level where I am able to connect with myself to a point where I understand where I am holding myself back and take the appropriate action with a level of confidence I have not experienced before and giving me skills to use on command.
Despite operating through an online platform he makes the space feel as if we were sitting together in the room, enabling me to trust him completely. I struggle to relax and let go which Chris quickly realised. To help me be ready for the deep work we do together, he taught me to overcome my resistance and ready myself for the session through a technique that has stuck with me. This has turned out to be an amazing gift I have continued to use on an almost daily basis. Particularly just before I go into a difficult situation and prior to interviews. I now approach these situations with a level of confidence and presence that was previously missing.
Through the use of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and mBIT (multiple brain integration techniques) coaching Chris has successfully navigated me through the process of connecting my head, heart and gut. His very measured and calming questioning has drawn me into a world I never knew existed. Having always been stuck in my head it has been enlightening to reflect on how I am able to view things differently by engaging my whole being. Each question taking me a little deeper whilst feeling safe and secure. Chris creates an environment where I am able to use my own skills and expertise to widen my narrow perspective. To draw confidence from the past and reduce the fear of the future and act with courage.
Chris adapts his delivery to meet me where I am at rather than his own agenda. This means I have continued to grow and make progress I had not necessarily understood I needed, both professionally and personally. I had not been aware of the stress I had been holding on to during Lockdown and the effect of separation from family until during a session it identified itself to me from the very core of my being. Chris held the space for me to fully experience the release of this hidden stress and resulting quiet emotion. That evening I was able to sleep deeper and longer than I had for some time.
To enable me to get out of my head and into my whole being has been the biggest success of our sessions. I would highly recommend Chris to anyone who needs to be gently and safely guided through the process of reconnecting with themselves to enable them to make significant step changes to their lives with lasting results.